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Inubosaki Hotelの観光ガイド - 京成トラベルサービス
Inubosaki Hotel tourist guide
A luxury resort with a round horizon.
Inubosaki Hotel

Inubosaki Hotel

Inubosaki Hotelの写真TOP

You can see the earliest sunrise in Japan and the round horizon in Inubosaki. We provide a luxurious resort space with fabulous view of the Pacific Ocean. In the summer, it is cooler than the inland area, and the temperature is stable in the winter, making it an attractive resort. Of course, there are many pleasures that are unique to seaside resorts, such as fresh seafood, the beautiful coastline designated as the Suigo Tsukuba Quasi-National Park, and an open-air spa. Enjoy the luxury of returning to yourself.

Basic information of Inubosaki Hotel

There is a free large parking lot for 300 cars.
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Charm of Inubosaki Hotel

Guidance of traffic (Google map opens)

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Inubosaki Hotel tourist guide